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Latest Governance

Cartoon Depicting Corruption

Why does Corruption Flourish? Case of ‘Cut Money’ in West Bengal

Corruption is usually described as abuse of public power for private benefit. Corruption arises from the expansion of state power beyond its...
Adivasi women protest in Attappady | Special Arrangement

The Fallacy of Planning Development at Attappady

The Tribal Block of Attappady Attappady is a tribal block in Kerala that has received wide national attention for...

Revitalising Budget Private Schools in a Post-Pandemic Era

Allowing private schools to operate as for-profit entities, easing regulations, establishing an independent regulator, and prioritising learning outcomes...


Cartoon Depicting Corruption

Why does Corruption Flourish? Case of ‘Cut Money’ in West Bengal

Corruption is usually described as abuse of public power for private benefit. Corruption arises from the expansion of state power beyond its...
Adivasi women protest in Attappady | Special Arrangement

The Fallacy of Planning Development at Attappady

The Tribal Block of Attappady Attappady is a tribal block in Kerala that has received wide national attention for...

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